Toggle background | ub | | |
Toggle wrap | uw | | |
Plugins Install | pi | | |
Toggle color highlight | uC | ColorizerToggle | |
Toggle autocompletion | uc | | |
Plugins Sync | pS | | |
Plugins Check Updates | pu | | |
Toggle signcolumn | ug | | |
Plugins Update | pU | | |
Toggle REPL | dR | | |
Change indent setting | ui | | |
Restart (C-F5) | dr | | |
AstroNvim Changelog | pl | AstroChangelog | |
Toggle statusline | ul | | |
Pause (F6) | dp | | |
Terminate Session (S-F5) | dQ | | |
Toggle CodeLens | uL | | |
AstroNvim Version | pv | AstroVersion | |
Close Session | dq | | |
Change line numbering | un | | |
Step Out (S-F11) | dO | | |
AstroNvim Update | pA | AstroUpdate | |
Toggle Notifications | uN | | |
Step Over (F10) | do | | |
Force close buffer | C | | |
Toggle paste mode | up | | |
Step Into (F11) | di | | |
Toggle spellcheck | us | | |
Update Plugins and Mason Packages | pa | AstroUpdatePackages | |
Close all buffers except current | bc | | |
Close all buffers | bC | | |
Close buffer | c | | |
Select buffer from tabline | bb | | |
Close buffer from tabline | bd | | |
Run To Cursor | ds | | |
Close all buffers to the left | bl | | |
Toggle syntax highlight | uy | | |
Previous buffer | bp | | |
Toggle Debugger UI | du | | |
Close all buffers to the right | br | | |
By extension | bse | | |
By relative path | bsr | | |
Search sessions | Sf | SessionManager! load_session | |
By full path | bsp | | |
Plugins Status | ps | | |
By buffer number | bsi | | |
By modification | bsm | | |
Symbols outline | lS | | |
Horizontal split buffer from tabline | b\ | | |
Vertical split buffer from tabline | b | | |
Toggle conceal | uS | | |
Home Screen | h | | |
Evaluate Input | dE | | |
Toggle comment line | / | | |
Pick to close | bD | | |
New tab | bn | tabnew | |
View Git blame | gl | | |
View full Git blame | gL | | |
Preview Git hunk | gp | | |
Reset Git hunk | gh | | |
Reset Git buffer | gr | | |
Stage Git hunk | gs | | |
Stage Git buffer | gS | | |
Unstage Git hunk | gu | | |
View Git diff | gd | | |
Toggle Explorer Focus | o | | |
Load last session | Sl | SessionManager! load_last_session | |
Save this session | Ss | SessionManager! save_current_session | |
Delete session | Sd | SessionManager! delete_session | |
Load current directory session | S. | SessionManager! load_current_dir_session | |
Mason Installer | pm | Mason | |
Mason Update | pM | MasonUpdateAll | |
ToggleTerm lazygit | gg | | |
ToggleTerm lazygit | tl | | |
ToggleTerm node | tn | | |
ToggleTerm gdu | tu | | |
ToggleTerm btm | tt | | |
ToggleTerm python | tp | | |
ToggleTerm float | tf | ToggleTerm direction=float | |
ToggleTerm horizontal split | th | ToggleTerm size=10 direction=horizontal | |
ToggleTerm vertical split | tv | ToggleTerm size=80 direction=vertical | |
Git branches | gb | | |
Git commits (repository) | gc | | |
Git commits (current file) | gC | | |
Git status | gt | | |
Toggle Breakpoint (F9) | db | | |
Resume previous search | f | | |
Clear Breakpoints | dB | | |
Find marks | f’ | | |
Start/Continue (F5) | dc | | |
Find words in current buffer | f/ | | |
Conditional Breakpoint (S-F9) | dC | | |
Find buffers | fb | | |
Find word under cursor | fc | | |
Find commands | fC | | |
Find files | ff | | |
Find all files | fF | | |
Find help | fh | | |
Find keymaps | fk | | |
Find man | fm | | |
Find notifications | fn | | |
Find history | fo | | |
Find registers | fr | | |
Debugger Hover | dh | | |
Find words | fw | | |
Find words in all files | fW | | |
Search symbols | ls | | |
Quit | q | confirm q | |
New File | n | enew | |
Find themes | ft | | |
Find AstroNvim config files | fa | | |
| ge | CamelCaseMotion_ge | |
Toggle Explorer | e | Neotree toggle | |
| b | CamelCaseMotion_b | |
Save | w | w | |
Toggle Harpoon | hh | | |
Go to Harpoon file 5 | h5 | | |
Go to Harpoon file 4 | h4 | | |
Go to Harpoon file 3 | h3 | | |
Go to Harpoon file 2 | h2 | | |
Go to Harpoon file 1 | h1 | | |
Add file to Harpoon | ha | | |
Toggle foldcolumn | uh | | |
Toggle URL highlight | uu | | |
Toggle tabline | ut | | |
Toggle trouble for document | fd | | |
Command palette | P | | |
Breadcrumb search | fs | | |
Split/join block | m | | |
Split/join block recursively | M | | |
Toggle Explorer | ue | | |
Toggle diagnostics | ud | | |
Structural search and replace | sr | | |
Toggle autopairs | ua | | |
Nvim builtin | & | :&& | |
Move buffer tab left | b | | |
Move buffer tab right | >b | | |
Nvim builtin | Y | y$ | |
Previous tab | [t | | |
Previous Git hunk | [g | | |
Previous buffer | [b | | |
Previous Harpoon file | [h | | |
Horizontal Split | \ | split | |
| \gS | (VM-Reselect-Last) | |
| \/ | (VM-Start-Regex-Search) | |
| \\ | (VM-Add-Cursor-At-Pos) | |
| \A | (VM-Select-All) | |
Next tab | ]t | | |
Next Git hunk | ]g | | |
Next buffer | ]b | | |
Next Harpoon file | ]h | | |
Open the file under cursor with system app | gx | | |
Comment toggle blockwise | gb | | |
Comment toggle linewise | gc | | |
[keymap-amend.nvim] | h | | |
Move cursor down | j | v:count == 0 ? ‘gj’ : ‘j’ | |
Move cursor up | k | v:count == 0 ? ‘gk’ : ‘k’ | |
[keymap-amend.nvim] | l | | |
Fold less | zr | | |
Fold more | zm | | |
Peek fold | zp | | |
Close all folds | zM | | |
Open all folds | zR | | |
[keymap-amend.nvim] | zc | | |
[keymap-amend.nvim] | zO | | |
[keymap-amend.nvim] | zo | | |
| zz | lua require('neoscroll').zz(250) | |
| zb | lua require('neoscroll').zb(250) | |
| zt | lua require('neoscroll').zt(250) | |
Vertical Split | | | vsplit |
Move to below split | | | |
Move to left split | | | |
Resize split left | | | |
Resize split right | | | |
Move to above split | | | |
Toggle terminal | | ToggleTerm | |
Toggle terminal | <C-‘> | ToggleTerm | |
Debugger: Start | | | |
Debugger: Stop | | | |
Debugger: Conditional Breakpoint | | | |
Debugger: Restart | | | |
Debugger: Pause | | | |
Debugger: Toggle Breakpoint | | | |
Debugger: Step Over | | | |
Debugger: Step Into | | | |
Debugger: Step Out | | | |
Force write | | w! | |
Force quit | | q! | |
Resize split down | | | |
Resize split up | | | |
| | (VM-Select-l) | |
| | (VM-Select-h) | |
| | (VM-Find-Under) | |
| (VM-Select-BBW) | :call vm#commands#motion('BBW', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Select-gE) | :call vm#commands#motion('gE', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Select-ge) | :call vm#commands#motion('ge', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Select-E) | :call vm#commands#motion('E', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Select-e) | :call vm#commands#motion('e', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Select-B) | :call vm#commands#motion('B', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Select-b) | :call vm#commands#motion('b', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Select-W) | :call vm#commands#motion('W', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Select-w) | :call vm#commands#motion('w', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Select-l) | :call vm#commands#motion('l', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Select-k) | :call vm#commands#motion('k', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Select-j) | :call vm#commands#motion('j', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Select-h) | :call vm#commands#motion('h', v:count1, 1, 0) | |
| (VM-Mouse-Column) | :call vm#commands#mouse_column() | |
| (VM-Mouse-Word) | (VM-Left-Mouse)(VM-Find-Under) | |
| (VM-Mouse-Cursor) | (VM-Left-Mouse)(VM-Add-Cursor-At-Pos) | |
| (VM-Left-Mouse) | | |
| (VM-Slash-Search) | @=vm#commands#find_by_regex(3) | |
| (VM-Start-Regex-Search) | @=vm#commands#find_by_regex(1) | |
| (VM-Find-Under) | :call vm#commands#ctrln(v:count1) | |
| (VM-Select-All) | :call vm#commands#find_all(0, 1) | |
| (VM-Reselect-Last) | :call vm#commands#reselect_last() | |
| (VM-Select-Cursor-Up) | :call vm#commands#add_cursor_up(1, v:count1) | |
| (VM-Select-Cursor-Down) | :call vm#commands#add_cursor_down(1, v:count1) | |
| (VM-Add-Cursor-Up) | :call vm#commands#add_cursor_up(0, v:count1) | |
| (VM-Add-Cursor-Down) | :call vm#commands#add_cursor_down(0, v:count1) | |
| (VM-Add-Cursor-At-Word) | :call vm#commands#add_cursor_at_word(1, 1) | |
| (VM-Add-Cursor-At-Pos) | :call vm#commands#add_cursor_at_pos(0) | |
| | lua require('neoscroll').scroll(0.10, false, 100) | |
| | lua require('neoscroll').scroll(-vim.wo.scroll, true, 250) | |
| | lua require('neoscroll').scroll(vim.wo.scroll, true, 250) | |
| | lua require('neoscroll').scroll(-0.10, false, 100) | |
| | lua require('neoscroll').scroll(vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(0), true, 450) | |
| | lua require('neoscroll').scroll(-vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(0), true, 450) | |
| CamelCaseMotion_ge | :call camelcasemotion#Motion('ge',v:count1,'n') | |
| CamelCaseMotion_e | :call camelcasemotion#Motion('e',v:count1,'n') | |
| CamelCaseMotion_b | :call camelcasemotion#Motion('b',v:count1,'n') | |
| CamelCaseMotion_w | :call camelcasemotion#Motion('w',v:count1,'n') | |
| luasnip-expand-repeat | lua require'luasnip'.expand_repeat() | |
| luasnip-delete-check | lua require'luasnip'.unlink_current_if_deleted() | |
| PlenaryTestFile | :lua require(‘plenary.test_harness’).test_directory(vim.fn.expand(“%:p”)) | |
Move to right split | | | |